Catering / Wedding
Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie can help whether you just need a wedding favor, sweet table, or it’s a big get together to celebrate in the office or home, or you just want to simply spend some time with family and friends, our products can make those moments of happiness more sweeter for sure.
We can send the catering box or set up the catering table, our custom catering orders are made fresh, in small batches, especially for your special event.
We have many options that are available for you to create your ideal combination of sweets from bars to barks, dried fruits, candied fruits, or fresh fruits to dip in the chocolate fountain, cookies, tarts, dips, tea, and coffee. With so many options available, you can definitely impress your guests on a budget.
Interested to know more and want to discuss about your event?
Please contact us at: